
About the blog:

Welcome to our cozy nook on the internet! I’m Sweta Upadhyay, and together with my husband and partner-in-crime, Kartikey Tanna, we’ve embarked on an intriguing journey – on the road less traveled. We’re living a childfree life by choice, and loving every minute of it. Think of us as that couple next door, just with a twist in our tale!

In this space, You’ll get an unfiltered view of what it’s like living without the pitter-patter of tiny feet, sprinkled with my two cents on why we love this lifestyle. Whether you’re already on the childfree wagon, sitting on the fence, or just here for the giggles, we promise to keep it real, keep it fun, and maybe, just maybe, give you a new perspective on living life on your own terms!

So, grab your favorite cup of tea or coffee (or green tea we don’t judge!) and join us as we navigate this less-trodden path, sharing stories, insights, and maybe a few laughs along the way. Welcome to our world!

About us:

Our story began in an unexpected chapter of an arranged marriage setup, masterminded by our mentors. Kartikey and I had known each other for quite a few years, but the thought of marriage had never crossed our minds. It was only when our mentors saw the potential in our pairing and brought us together that we began to see each other in a new light. During our very first conversation about whether to take the leap into marriage, our first discussion revolved around our thoughts on parenthood. I have always been certain about not wanting children, and as it turned out, Kartikey never really had an affinity for them either. Our discussion on this topic was notably brief, as we quickly realized we were on the same page. It was in this moment of unexpected and swift agreement that we understood we were a perfect match. This decision to remain childfree has since been the best decision we’ve ever made together!

Life at our home is serene and unhurried, as we both enjoy the luxury of working from home. Our mornings are free from the usual rush and chaos; instead, they’re filled with the calmness and comfort of each other’s company.

One shared passion that deeply unites us is our love for animals and nature. We’ve extended our nurturing instincts to the strays around us, offering care and affection to these lovely creatures who need it the most. They are our family, each with a unique personality and story that we cherish. 

Our Unique Family: